Saturday, August 6, 2016


If lemon grass. of all grasses
Is splendid and lustrous, by which a sensitive damsel fly
Ponders about the tender day
And the passage of time
And  from behind the bench a handful of jasmine flowers
Slowly spread their sweetness in the wind
Longing to touch, to see, to converse
To the whiff of strange aromas that pass by
And the thief who would like to enter the gates
Looks for a sufficient alibi
There were always walls to be scaled
And two agile deer stood by gazing across a fence
And how can things get to a pass
How can tendrils be drawn to the gourd vine
And the yellow flowers of bitter gourd
Bear fruit
How can a robin dance about on the floor
And its foot marks make patterns
That go beyond the marks of a single shoe
Thrown at the past
How can eleven be time enough?
The man who walks around the garden murmurs something to the air
A crow pleads guilty
For having taken to flight around an amaltas tree
In the kettle, the water boils
And somebody calls for tea
The voices from the underbrush
Move towards a cricket that keeps on playing out
Shrilly about  the unseen.

Is there a way for the shrimp in the water
A way to meet another
Is there a way they could touch with their long hands
Can the water rise up sprout
Can the circles of many years be loostened
And the timber play its tune?

One jumps up in hope
Tries to clasp a handful of grass
And little flowers for tea-
And calls out-
Is there a way out of here?
A tune to step by.
A bottle of rice beer
Piece of coconut
But one is assured
That there is some road that goes past the gate
And a loud flower blooming in the nest of an eagle
Brought there from thorny bushes
And blushing, while remembering.


Thursday, August 4, 2016


If you travel so, if you want a cigarette  that u wanna smoke
If on the verandah there is sweet smoke and some confusion
How can we enter? and if onstage
There is some way out to the man and woman who had wandered in
Who wanted some moisture and some warmth
Some softness and hardness
Some love to give, some to take
How then can it be done?
How can the leaves of a tree be thrown and taken
Veins open and with some chuna ?
How can one get back to the rhythm, how can that smile be seized?
One wanders between past and the present
For the right moment
But it eludes one
Is there a pyramid of energy
Sprouting between the thighs
A moist cloisture
Where we could huddle in?
Is there a tree trunk with which
The seesaw can be built
Are there the strange lullabies that lovers can sing to each other
And the cartilage of your ear that i would like to chew sweetly
The tumbling hair in which my pigeon has found its nest
And the circulation of a kites wings
That draw out nectar from the moon
And the sparkle 
From the sun that sprinkles sweat on our foreheads
And that stream that starts flowing from beneath your chest
The drums that beat at the many points of your body
The craving that went out and returned without any avail-
Maybe there is something that eludes the touch
A f/airy dream that flies away
In broad daylight. 
How can a conversation be made
How can a lead be taken? 
One cannot cross the bridge
Since it shifts its place ever so often
Where can it be parked
Where from does this siren sound?
How can a lighted cigarette move beyond silence
Are we too weary of our dreams?