Wednesday, December 28, 2016



The cipher in the loo

That was to be answered was this:

Why was it that

Somebody’s secrets be taken from him or her?

The king need it!

The king need it!

Why was there an official secret

And secretaries to keep it?

The king need it!

The king need it!


How was the king taken to the loo?

In a procession, no doubt!

What constituted a secret?

Everything secreted including you and me

And infinity which he could not take

And the shit that we carried in our bowels-

Who could do Santash without it?


Why were they secrets?

Because everybody had it,

No doubt

And nobody should know.

The secret that was there

Was the shit in and out.

When it came out

There was no more shit or waste.


The secrets where the miss- takes

The secret was greed

The secret was everything that Lucifer made for you.

Because king was for loo- cipher

And Lucifer

And for licences and not  with love and sensuousness

And not  with God

And god was for every one

And with everyone

And not just one.

But the king couldn’t see it

The priest couldn’t see it

And would take away the food from every one

And serve it to just one

And became a glutton

Who carried all the shit

And couldn’t take the other

Who deserved his due

And so couldn’t take God.

The god was also in the other

And could only be taken

When the other was taken

And the doors were open

And when everything flowed.

The god was in you and in me

And when you threw the other out

It was the  god in the other  

That was also being thrown

And that couldn’t be!.


Monday, December 26, 2016



Recently  I met with that director
From the theatre of abuses
He came in a skull cap
Which could as well have been
A hell- mate (sometimes spelt helmet)
For all I cares.
 His techniques of humiliation
Honed and perfected in the attic of caste
Hounded people every where
And in every walk
Quarantining the world
And teaching it disrespect for each other
And the rat race
That leads to nowhere.

With the tape worm that slithered around his belly
Securing him from the impure folk around him
He would mount bhajans all around for a grim faced terror
That was eating into the entrails of every man and woman.

Every flow had to be dammed up and siphoned to the purposes of utility
Freedom had to be freed from the domes
And used as a tether, an impossible one, that.

The stones thrown stuck to mid air
The lashes did more to wet the eyes
And for the bursts of fire
And many knots
He had no answer,
And the actress in her frustration
Went up in air
The well planned music
Stuck to prime time
And the footloose dancer
Meddled up the taste.

Hiedeggar had his name changed a bit 
To play in the Hedge war.
Doctors killed off their patients
People fell from the train
Spells were cast and locks invented
And every pie in their pockets were drained with
His fountains and water works
Nuclear trouble
And empty pipe dreams for everyone
And would steal the nectar from every spring in the making.
The skinned torso
Upon which they had carved a swastika
Hooked to the past
Hung there helpless
From that troubled tree.

But then the scenes underwent a change
The directors nose that was poking in so often
Was no more to be seen
Having been cut-off
By the crowd, off-stage,
The hiran escaped from the twilight zone
And the lion- headed monster
With his bloody grimace
Turned to the world
And let out a roar.

The mahisha took away his mask
In a muria ghotul
"Are you Gomata Yaksha?", or Rishabha natha?
They queried.
And the kids came around to ask him about his sins
“There were many,
And one was that I Loved,
I admit to it,
No doubt, I did!”

The snake of eternity
Upon which the master took to rest
In a swing did throw him under
And danced along with the sun to meet with the falcon
Its body, recovered.
The nagas spoke to Parswanatha who knew well of the ledges
And of Janamejayas( born to win/ victory to the people)
In whose name itself there was a big lie.
Snakes danced together in the backyard
To the unlimited song of the sirens
And rose hissing from every where
As did trees, coupling freely, in the wind.
Playing out again
As the chakra rolled on, no more a weapon.
The lotus returned to Buddha’s pond
And the sound trapped in the conch came back to the world
Amidst peels of laughter,
As an age freed itself
To a new beginning.






Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Then they came for the merchants
And I was not a merchant,
Except perhaps someone like Hoshang Merchant
And knew that the Merchant of Venice
Was not always selling death
As some of our Shakespears do.

Shylock stood up and said in the court
I will cut off these locks
And just be shy
Or maybe not even that
And I have no spear to shake
In your wake

Except my own, which I do shake.


once at home
I had occasion to hit at a bat
Which was flying about in the night
Drinking  honey from
The plantains in the yard
With a stick that was in my hand
And it fell down,
It’s wings bruised
And screeching in a strange voice.

This grimacing face
Which made such an impression
In the movies
That it made your blood curdle,
This tiny little face
Wincing in pain and humiliation
And made out to be a lesser being
And such a terror,
To be somehow disabled and deficient
She didn’t properly belong
To one fold or the other
Neither animal nor bird
And made ominous by virtue of a story that
They had tied up to her absent tail.

These accursed birds clinging with their heads down
To whom no Rama would allow his place
This flock of spirits
That had clung to god
Even in their direst moments
Accused and abused by the world
As many a prophet was
Made out to be a criminal
Without a crime
Another being altogether
Travelling in the darkness
Without the empty fears that
Hound the faithless
One with a radar to navigate with
In the toughest of environs
And god’s compass
To guide it everywhere
And was not averse
To travel with the flock
Almost imperceptible  among them
And deeply connected
A being from a far off time
Even before men were around
An early visitor
And a late sleeper
A lazy one who spent his daytime sleeping
Modest, even indistinguishable
But unique, nevertheless
With transparent wings
Claws and mustache
And a formidable otherness
Which had to be reckoned with
A bats-man from the guava thickets
One connected to the primordial darkness
That had clung to god
And was spread over the depths
Even before the coming
Of  light.

From his mental frequencies
Came another music
A call and reply
That those tuned in could well listen to
A cry for an open world
Where beings don’t fight amongst them
But give care and love
To a world
That was upside down,
No more letting it
To remain that way
It didn’t drop a feather
For your majesties crown
And with sharp teeth
Cut through the twine
That bound the world to unfreedom

And tried to tether it that way.