The bridge is lean over the flow
Do you know me, I ask
Can it be a wave that is waving-
Can we cross?
We seem to have lost the song
That need be sung
As we cross.
A delicate wind
Uncovers your head
And for a moment
I see the fronds waving
As they bend to the flow of the stream
You are a young breeze
That passes by
As the bamboos mumble and groan
We need to walk this rope
See each other
Listen to the tremors of our hearts
As if they did matter
Wave as if we were waves
That tirelessly fall and break against the rocks.
I feel your touch
Without touching
I feel the sand enveloping and falling away
From your feet
And wake up sweating
Having dreamt of the sea
Withdrawing .
I want it to be spoken
The language of tits and fibers of joy
I want to see the opening in the sky
From which you appear in the morning sun
I want the glance
That seizes and scatters that thin ray of light
Into wholesome colours
I want it evermore
The pink blossom and green eyes
That sparkle in the night.
Imagine my word
As if it were yours
Just as I do
Only then can we cross this stream
And know that the sky
Will hold us
Where the green bee –eater with its long beak
Flaps its wings.
Speak, because words are of molten metal
And need be poured
To gain form.